Transitioning Vegan


Hello everyone! I would like to transition my little family to a vegan diet because I know how much better it is. I already don’t eat dairy and eat very little meat but my husband is a big carnivore but wants to attempt a healthier lifestyle to be an example for our daughter. My daughter is 12 weeks old and 5 weeks adjusted and is 75% breastfed and 25% formula fed due to my production and was a premie and as long as she is in my house and until she can make her own decisions she will never ever drink cows milk because of how damaging it is to the body. What’s the best way to transition? Is my daughters formula even safe? (Asking because it’s started making her vomit and her reflux worse it’s similac neosure) Books, websites to refer me to? The hardest with my husband will be eggs and I know if he goes cold turkey he will give up so this needs to be a process. I do have a background with health products so nothing will be foreign to me just need a guide in the right direction I was the GM of an all natural supplement and health food store for a few years. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Pic of my baby girl for attention!