My husband is going to Prison

I can’t believe I just wrote those words. Oh how I wish I could go back to 2015, when life was simple and beautiful. Three years ago, my husband had it all. A great career, a great job, he had everything going for him. We had a house, bills were paid etc. At the end of 2016, my husband decided he wanted a career change because the hours were burning him out. So he quit his job and for the last two years he has held two jobs for about 6 months total so obviously this put a damper in our financial status. I tried to be a supportive wife because I could tell he was depressed and I didn’t know how to fix it. Recently, things have gotten a lot worse. I found out he has a gambling problem. So I’ve been trying to get him help for that but nothing has changed. Recently, he went back to his old job and he loves it and is killing it at his old job. I felt like I finally had my husband back! But just yesterday he took the last $200 that I had to the casino in hopes that he would win and it would fix all of our problems. (He has won $5,000 two different times so that is where this problem came from) and Just this morning I found out he had written about $3500 in hot checks to try to keep us afloat before he started at his old job again and if we don’t come up with that amount in a week, he will have a warrant for his arrest and will have a felony record and be facing prison time. What I just wrote makes my husband sound like a low life loser but he really is the opposite. He is so kind and loving. He has the skills to be very successful, he just made some really poor decisions. I’m really freaking out. I know a lot of women on here are going to judge but has anyone gone through something similar? I love him more than anything, we’ve been together for 7 years and there is no way I will ever leave his side just like I wouldn’t want him to leave me if I make dumb decisions. He said he is ready to face the consequences to his actions and he keeps apologizing that he did this. It’s like he got his job back too late. I hate this, and I know this will pass and in a few years everything will be different I’m just freaking out and don’t want him to go to Prison. My heart is breaking. 💔💔💔

Update - We rent our home, credit is horrible. Our family doesn’t have that lying around. I’m going to ask my work for an advancement but I’m so terrified to ask again as I had to ask for a $3,000 advancement last Summer.

Update- My amazing boss is going to give me $4,000! Thank God!!!! Thank you all for being so nice!