Membrane stripped and contractions



Hi!! Excited because I had a sweep and stretch today and 12:30. I am 38+1 weeks. For the last 2 hours I’ve been having contractions every 15 minutes for 30 seconds at a time. I’m nervous to go to sleep because 2 labors in the past have progressed so quickly. So I’m curious how many people have had similar symptoms and had things stall out. I just don’t want to go to bed and wake up too late like I (almost) did the last time. The weather is horrible here so I’ll need to leave even earlier for the hospital than normal.

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I went to my 40 week appointment, my Doctor stripped my membrane.. (on the day of my due date) I was on my way home and had started having contractions.. i waited for 2 hours.. i was having contractions every 7-8 mins.. i called the hospital.. they told me to come in.. (come to find out when i used the restroom at home my water ruptured) i was in labor for 6 hours and 23mins.. i started pushing at 8:50, baby was here at 8:53pm


Posted at
I’ve had two sweeps. Been contracting on and off past week or two. I’m 5cm dilated and still pregnant. I’m so over it.  


Mo • Jan 13, 2018


Mo • Jan 13, 2018
I’ve gone to triage 3 times in the past 2 weeks with contractions minutes apart. Keep getting sent home because I don’t progress when there.


Cierra • Jan 13, 2018
5 can go to 10 really fast! I can’t believe they haven’t kept you at the hospital!! ☹️🙄


Posted at
She is here! I went to L&D; with contractions 5-7 minutes apart where they did another sweep and I had her 3 hours later! 🙌🏼👏🏼


Zoy • Jan 14, 2018
awww congratulations!!!! xx


Posted at
i had a midwife appointment at 38+1 weeks but they didnt offer anything like that and will only do it if i reach 40 weeks!! sucks to be me right now lol. I'm ib the UK. I've had no complications so im thinking thats why they wont speed anything up.


Lauren • Jan 13, 2018
I have a few medical issues that require them to induce me prior to 40 weeks. They started to sweep and stretch now to avoid pitocin.