One day....🙏🏼🙏🏼

Alison • Married since 06/09/2012 ❤️❤️, 36 years old, NY, handful chemical pregnancies, TTC our little angel baby

Last week I posted this photo in a topic thread. I had taken one test and freaked hoping the second line wasn’t faint or evaporated. Second Test was negative so I called my dr for an appointment ...Here’s another update.

At the drs the urine test came out negative. Waiting on blood tests and dr should be contacting me regarding the ultrasound. Two days of waiting for results. My dr takes forever at times. I’m spotting and starting my period today. I’m hurt but this year I’m learning to cope with stress and heartbreak differently. My husband has been a great support and lately he’s been much more intuitive with his emotions. This somehow brought us much closer. The dr did say it could be mild pcos which freaks me out because I saw an RE who said my husband and I were good to conceive and he ruled out pcos and endo.

A few years ago my periods starting becoming irregular and after massive blood work, tests, sonos, an HSG and drs appts, they couldn’t find a cause to irregular periods and figured stress. I was given 2 years ago a choice of birth control or metformin to regulate periods again and chose metformin. Now dr tells me about the mild pcos if metformin is what keeps me regular. It’s so confusing. My dr and RE never physically said I had it, that everything was normal but to watch weight and be active. Maybe I don’t get the “mild pcos” head is everywhere but trying to stay calm.

In the meantime I’m going to watch my diet, exercise again, and overall get healthy because I know I’m overweight. Hubby and I are also planning a vacation in May so that will take our minds off things. We are taking a new approach to everything. We’ve owned our house a year now and it keeps us always I will continue Praying for a family of my own and praying for all women wanting the same 🙏🏼❤️