Am I just bitter? Probably. But am I really the only one?


When girls say things like, "I feel so bad for girls who can't orgasm during sex" or, "What a sad life" or comments along those lines, I feel like that's so...what's the word? Condescending? Pretentious? I'm not sure...but it's definitely annoying. I've never been able to cum during sex and Idk that I'll ever be able to...I guess I'm just not one of those lucky sucks but what can ya do? I still enjoy having sex with my boyfriend. Sure, I'd like to be able to finish but maybe it's just not in the stars...I'm not sitting here constantly mulling it over or whatever. And comments like that aren't ruining my life or anything but I just wanted to vent here because I can't talk about it with any of my friends. They're all able to finish and it's never been an issue for them so I just feel awkward bringing it up with them.

I just got annoyed because this uh...let's call her acquaintance made a comment like that today while I was with my friends and I was just sitting there like

It's like walking around going "I feel so bad for people who are poor." No one likes that. That's annoying (right?) I just wanna know I'm not the only one lol