

Hi, I’m a 15 year old who wants to start a campaign to stop body shaming. I’m sure there are many campaigns out there but I feel like it’s important to me that I also have part in this campaign. Before I start go on with my campaign, I’d like you all to know me a bit and to know why I wanted to take part in this campaign. First of all #Stop-Body-Shaming is a name I made up for my campaign.

As I said earlier, I’m 15 years old who is currently in year 10 and is going through some difficulties much like other people about my body. I weigh about 41kg and is 175cm tall. My body type is underweight and I get bullied and made fun of because of that. Naturally I am skinny so I find it very hard for me to gain weight no matter how hard I try. My classmates make fun of me, my teachers, the people I call “friends”, strangers and sometimes my parents.

Being skinny and underweight causes me to lose my self confidence when people judge me too quickly saying that I’m anorexic or I have a eating disorder. It’s rude, it’s not necessary and it’s definitely body shaming. I find it very hurtful as I have to deal with this alone. No one sticks up for me and I think it’s time for a change. I may not be what society and social media wants me to be but I am who I am and I love it even with the little self confidence I have in me.

I want to make a change and stand up to those who are being body shamed. I don’t believe what social media, magazines etc. present us because it’s stereotypical. I believe that everyone is special and unique in a different way because no one is perfect, we all have flaws.

Being body shamed made me self conscious of people I’m around, it’s made me just want to hide in a hole and never come out but that’s not who I am. After watching a few videos on YouTube seeing that there are many people just like me who are going through the same thing inspired me to make a campaign to stop body shaming. No one deserves it and no one should be going through it.

My goal is to stand up for those who can’t and to share this campaign to everyone. To let them know that they’re not alone because they’re not. I’m here and I know you are too. I don’t have Instagram or Snapchat or any other social media so it’ll a bit difficult for me to share this. I only have Pinterest (@Soul-Of-Infinity). I would deeply appreciate this if you shared this post to everyone you know, friends, family, social media etc. so we can all make a change and stop body shaming.

-Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

(I had very limited access to create these posters but please bare with me and share this to everyone.)