Flu shot?

Hi ladies. My daughter will be 7 months old next week, and we just took her in for her 6 month shots. As someone who was anti-vaccines before my pregnancy and during, I ended up becoming pro-vax after she was born but have always been against the flu shot. She is formula fed as my milk dried up within months of her being born, so I was always scared that she wasn’t getting the anti-bodies needed. We declined the flu shot, but the doc seemed pretty convincing she should get it. We are in the middle of a bad flu season here that is lasting until May. I’m a stay at home mom, but my husband works at a school as a computers teacher so he’s more likely to get sick than we are. But we are afraid of him getting the flu then passing it onto us. What are your thoughts on the flu shot? Have any of you done it for your little ones??