How often do you say something very specific and clear and your partner only hears a portion of what you've said?


I'm struggling over some petty shit but it frustrates me that it might be a bigger issue. Example, partner takes my coffee order this AM (a latte and a savory pastry of any kind) and brings back a black coffee and gooey, hazelnut pastry. I tried to contain my disappointment, so my partner asked what was wrong and I politely declined the pastry and expressed I didn't ask for black coffee but I'll drink it anyway. But, I kniw my partners taste like the back of my hand and never get their order wrong. This happens ALL the time though, even when I go as far as to write a list with product specifications (ex. on a list instead of butter I would put 1 pack horizons organic sweet cream butter). This also makes holidays and birthdays a huge bummer. Is my partner just a terrible shopper or is my partner's lack of attention to detail a blatant lack of care/effort?

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