Help me ladies. Need advice

Hey y’all, so I need some advice. I am currently 5 months pregnant. I have been struggling for a few months with the changes that have been taking place with my body. I constantly feel ugly and fat and just out of sorts. It’s really depressing. My husband and I used to have sex 3-4 times a week and now it’s 3-4 times a month. A few months ago I broke down and told my husband how I was feeling because he could sense that something has been wrong. I explained to him how I didn’t feel like he was attracted to me anymore and How I was hurting because he just wasn’t showing me affection like he has in the past. He said he would make efforts to change his behavior. Fast forward to now, and nothing has changed. It’s actually gotten worse. I’ve been having this really bad gut feeling. He’s been acting really secretive over his phone and/or leaves it in the car when he gets home from work. Last night I decided to put that gut feeling to rest, either confirm or deny it. I know his passcode and we have an open door policy when it comes to privacy. So I looked at his phone. Turns out, he’s been watching porn and he re activated his old Facebook account (the one he had before me) and has been searching his ex. He also created a tublr account and has been looking at porn of that site. I was crushed when I saw this. I don’t know how to confront him or handle this. I’ve tried to put it out of my mind because other than these issues, he’s a wonderful man. I just don’t know what to do. Please help.