6 weeks and still haven’t gave up!

I was 100% over it ( breastfeeding )

I was like f**k it , let her take formula only, my 1st one did too she she’ll be fine

And now 6 weeks later I’ll still breastfeeding ( she drinks formula too tho ) ..

I don’t know why I didn’t stop

I guess my question is , should o continue breastfeeding even though she drinks formula as well? She mostly drinks formula , I breastfeed her maybe 2 times a day. Sometimes the bf lasts only 5 mins and sometimes it lasts 30mins.

The reason I ask if I should stop bf is because I myself don’t have a good diet. I don’t eat anything all day. I eat one meal a day. I barely drink water. I’m a wreck, I have no appetite. And I know bf moms should eat 3-4 meals, drink plenty of water and all that, so is there even any point of me feeding her my milk? Despite my awful eating habits ?