To my dearest sister.

Dear B,

You were my first friend. The first person I could trust with my secrets. The person who used to look up to me. Now I feel as if you only talk to me because you need me to take you places since I'm the one who can drive. You're always out with those "friends" who get you drunk and high. You're 15 and I'm watching you damage yourself. Knowing I can't help you is what kills me. What kills me more is that you have completely shut me out. We don't even talk anymore. I barely see you and we live in the same fucking house. Everytime I take you and your friends home from school, you always treat me as if the words I speak are incredibly stupid. I'm beginning to realize that you expect me to do things for you because I'm your sister and I'll always love and be there for you no matter what. It hurts so much when the person you thought was your eternal best friend, is the person who doesn't seem to care for you. You're so selfish B. You always yell at me for every little thing I say. It's like I'm breathing in thin air when I'm with you. I walk on tightropes for you. I go out of my way to do things for you and your friends yet I get nothing in return. You boss me around as if you're the oldest sister. You're not. JL is. Not you. I wish you were nicer. I know you say you care but what you don't understand, actions speak louder than words.