Baby shower present


I have a new friend (about 7 months) I really like her and her baby shower is coming up. I want to get her something really great. I have no idea what to get! Our parenting styles are really different so I can’t decide what she’ll need. She’s kind of a minimalistic Mama where I want lots of products for baby. She’s not even sure she wants a diaper bag! 🙈 I get lots of women don’t but I can’t imagine having a newborn without one! 🙈🙈

I’m thinking of maybe buying her a Babies R Us gift card so she can just pick what she wants because we don’t like or think the same things are necessary, so I know I’d pick the wrong thing! Or maybe a Sams Club Membership so she can use it to get diapers/wipes/etc for baby. Are these good ideas for gifts? Please help!