I thought this was my month


Y'all I just need to vent. I tried to talk to my husband about it and he just said "I'm sorry hun". Before we were together I was told (as a teen) I'd have a hard time getting pregnant. With our first daughter I was young and it was fairly easy to conceive. It took 3 cycles and we didn't have to track, or test. It just happened.

It's been 5 years and we finally decided we are ready for number two. I feel a slight sense of urgency, because my 1st is about to go to school and I don't want them too far apart in age.

So I tried our very first month from the get go doing OPKs, preseed, eating a 'fertility diet'. It didn't work and I honestly didn't feel like the stress was worth it. So we've been doing our normal lives, except having sex a little more than usual during my fertile window. Still no dice.

I thought for sure this would be my BFP month, but this morning I got my period. I'm feeling so defeated. I know it's only been 4 cycles, and there are so many women who have been trying longer, I just feel like the doctor I saw as a teen was right and that it will be nearly impossible to conceive without help. I'm trying to 'relax' and 'have fun with it' but I just want to stop the emotional rollercoaster. I'm already so exhausted.

For context I was told as a teen I have PCOS, and and since then I've also been diagnosed with endometriosis.