
About 5 weeks ago , my boyfriend accidentally came in me because the condom broke and we didnt notice. I was in the middle of my period and I took a plan b 18 hours later. about a week , week and a half ago, i got this crazy head cold ( what I assume was a headcold ) and for a few days my head felt horrible and i absoloutely could not get confortable whether i was standing up or laying down and i felt super nauseous the whole time , but im a week late with my period ( accodding to this app ), what are the chances that im pregnant? im so nervous.

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It’s just the pill messing with your cycle. Give your body time to get back on track


Posted at
Nervousness and stress can delay your period, if you were on your period when you had sex and you took plan be there is little chance you could be pregnant. Take a test to ease your mind if you need to but I wouldn't worry☺️