PLEASE help!


So yesterday I found out I was pregnant! I had a bleed on the 08th of December, very light and unusual for me, barely red, mostly brown and then pink when I wiped. I assumed it was my period but it was that unusual I decided to take a test. Positive! I took 8 pregnancy tests altogether in a week, 6 came back positive (although not totally strong) and the last 2 came back negative. I had a bloods taken on the 21st of December and they also came back negative. So I decided it must’ve been a chemical (although that bleed came exactly when my period was suppose to that month). Well this month, no period. I took a pregnancy test yesterday (I was 1 week late so thought I should take one!) it was a pink dye test and it came up STRAIGHT away. It didn’t even wait for the control like to come up lol, it was there bold and pink straight away. So I took a Clear Blue digital, however my urine was very diluted at this point Cuz I had weed twice before taking it in an hour. It still came up pregnant but said 2-3 weeks so I thought ok, I must’ve got pregnant AFTER the chemical. BUT I’ve just taken another CBD using my first morning urine and it says 3+ weeks?!?! So that must mean I got pregnant before I originally thought. I must’ve STILL been pregnant back when I took all those tests right?! The dates add up but WHY has the CBD changed overnight? Am I right in thinking that maybe the HCG wasn’t strong enough to tell me the correct dates on the first CBD I took because it was so diluted? (But still strong enough to tell me I’m pregnant) Thanks ladies!