Hey everyone!!

Amee • **Wife**💙Mom to Owen Scott💙**🎀Mom to Grace Elisabeth💝**Student**New Yorker**Mountain Girl**Friend**Patient Account Representative**

Just wanted to introduce myself! I am Amee. As of today I am 12w5d with my husband and my rainbow baby. I have a 12 yo son from a previous relationship. I figured out I was pregnant at 4ish weeks, confirmed with ultrasound at 7w2d. Heartbeat was a nice strong 145bpm. The hospital I work in offers harmony for genetic and gender testing. Because I work in billing I was able to look up the price... not doing it for $823. We will hold out until 19-22 weeks.

When they did my 1st US they noticed an extra, empty sac behind the baby, so the thought is this pregnancy started as twins, but reduced to a singleton. I get to see our little peanut on Thursday because of that second sac, and can’t wait!!

Hope everyone here has amazing pregnancies!!!