need advice.. please be understanding.


how would you handle of somebody asked you to be their matron on honor but you didn't want to? It's my sister so I feel like everyone expected me to do it and be excited. But honestly I just don't want to.. my sister and I aren't as close as she thinks we are. She got upset and complained to our mom that I wasn't like jumping for joy when she asked. I know this sounds selfish but like I said I'm just being honest. I don't want to plan a bridal shower or bachelorette party or say some speech about how we're the best sister's and her relationship is so great. I'm pregnant with my first baby and we tried for so long it felt like and I just want to focus on my little family. my husband and I will most likely be moving near the end of this year (he's military) so I don't even know if I'll be around to plan all these things. She wasn't my maid of honor because she told me it was stupid I was getting married. Please don't be rude I know this comes off selfish but it's just how I feel and I'm looking for some actual advice