The Waiting


I'm currently 13w4d. I had my last appt Dec 29th and my next one Jan 26th. The waiting in between suuuucks!! Ugh. I just want to see my baby on the ultrasound and hear its heartbeat! Especially when I still don't really feel pregnant. I've had such an easy pregnancy so far: little to no nausea and only real symptoms are a little bit of acne, heartburn, cramping, and tiredness. All things that I had pre-pregnancy (I'm sorry for those who haven't been as lucky, don't hate me!). But the lack of symptoms make me a little paranoid that something is wrong. These appointments are the only reassurance I get. At least, until I was at my sister in law's house last night and she reminded me that she has a fetal heartbeat doppler! 😍😍😍 We used it last night and found a strong heartbeat instantly ❤️❤️❤️ It probably helps that she's an OB nurse and knew exactly where to position it. We even heard my little one kick at the doppler, which was awesome! Anyway, sorry for the long post. Just needed to share the paranoia and then relief. If anyone else can relate, hang in there!!