Dear Family

I love you, but I don't deserve you.

I am dealing with so much - fertility problems, anxiety, depression and other health issues but you clearly could care less. I support you all with everything you do, without being judgmental - and yet I cannot the same courtesy in return.

You tell me what I should do, what I should say, are sensitive to everything when it comes to yourselves yet incredibly inconsiderate when it comes to me.

I am TIRED of apologizing to you all for the little things that "upset you", yet I'm constantly disrespected and ignored when I'm not needed.

I am thankful for my only solace, my husband. I have come to a point where I wish to tell you all to get out of my life since (especially recently), you being nothing my stress, anxiety and heartache.

The frustrating part is knowing I can't and won't stop caring for you all and won't just disappear. I worry what you'll do when you need help and support if I'm not there so I continue to take this nonsense as my resentment fills.

I do my best, it's just not good enough.

Please leave me to be in my own peace. I beg you.