What do I do?


My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years now. He just told me a week ago that he had cheated on me over the summer and again at another time that he doesn’t remember. Both were ex girlfriends who I already didn’t like him talking to. Obviously I was (and still am) crushed but he told me that there was nothing physical, it was just pictures. That’s what really confused me because we’ve sent pics and we’ve messed around, but haven’t actually had sex yet.

I could tell he felt terrible because he was sobbing uncontrollably to the point I had to calm him down before he even told me anything. I really don’t want to break up with him because I really love him and we had made so many plans even talked about marriage for awhile. But on the other hand he can’t tell me anything really about what happened which makes me feel like there’s more to it than what he told me. Right now we’re just friends but that’s not gonna work for too long for me. If anyone has any advice on this I would greatly appreciate it.