I️ can’t take my husband lying to me anymore


I️ honestly do not know where to go from here. I️ love my husband. I️ really do. We are high school sweethearts and have been together for 16 years. He is a hard worker and good father but he is a liar. I️ guess he has always told lies to me but it got worse when we got married 6 years ago and particularly when we “both” quit smoking. It has been a very hard addiction for him to break and this is where a lot of his lies initially came from. I️ have accepted how hard this is for him and when I️ catch him smoking, I️ make an effort to tell and show him we can work through this together I️ just need him to be honest with me because I️ hate the lying. It hurts. After about 2 years of this, the lying has continued and now it has developed into him lying about other things. I️ do not think he is cheating on me. I️ love him and do not want to get a divorce but the lies are making me fall out of love with him. Lately the lies even bother me less and less because I’m not shocked anymore and I️ guess have become “use” to them. It’s like we are more roommates than anything. We have two children together so I am trying to do everything to make it work but it just feels like because of these lies we are in a endless cycle of him lying, denying, getting mad and turning things on me, finally admitting to the lies, then me forgiving him again and then slowing drifting back into our normal routine until the whole cycle starts again. I️ can’t do that forever right? I️ just don’t know what to do. Should we try separating for a bit? Should I️ ask him to see a therapist to hopefully help him maybe understand why he lies? Idk