Hot Flashes after MC Normal?


It's been exactly 2 weeks since I had a miscarriage at 10w4d. Yes, spent New Years <a href="">Eve</a>/New Years in hospital losing my baby. No D&C; (I believe it's called). I actually have my two week appt tomorrow morning, but wanted to ask on here first. Has anyone else experienced severe hot flashes after a miscarriage? I am still nauseous on & off. Don't really have an appetite, yes I still eat.. I wasn't worried about those, but severe hot flashes, to where I sweat & have to sit down & severe headaches are starting to worry me/get on my nerves.. My bleeding slowed/stopped almost immediately after. I spot pink every now & then, hardly any cramping. I will of course bring this to the OB's attention & ask my million questions. But anyone else?? Is it normal?? Was my first pregnancy/first MC ever.