50% effaced !!

Shayla • Christopher J. Ferguson 8/19/15❤️ Gabriella E. Ferguson 3/26/18

29weeks pregnant with my 2nd. I just got back from L&D; because I was having back to back contractions that were 2-5m apart. They monitored me for about 2hrs and the first hr the contractions were still coming every fee minutes and progressively started to get farther apart. They check me and said my cervix is still close but I am 50% effaced. As I said I’m only 29w so baby girl still has lots of time to cook. Has any other mama started to effaced this early ? If so did you deliver early? My first I didn’t start to thin out or dilate until like 35w and I had him at 38w so idk how fast this could truly progress especially with how early I am.