first post.

I had an abortion in May of 2017.. I know it's been a while and it has been easier to handle with time. but sometimes I stop and think. and I'm sad. the man I was and still am with were madly in love. our one year is valentines day. it wasn't easy at all. it was devastating. I didn't get out of bed for a week unless it was to use the bathroom. but he took care of me. he took over with my daughter for that week. he would bring me food. and he would hold me while I sobbed. I was so depressed he had to bath me. Because I couldn't do it. I shut down completely I still cry. hell I'm crying as I'm writing this. I know I did the right thing. we are no way finacially ready for a Baby. we wouldn't be able to support it. and it was so early in the relationship. it just. was better for the baby. I couldn't give it a good life. I didn't want it to suffer... maybe that's why it's so hard for me. I know there was no heart beat. I was 5 weeks. it wasn't "alive" but to me. it was growing. evolving inside me. it was alive... it was my baby... I love you. I wish I could have met you.... 💔