Need a cycle buddie

Nikki • Ttc number 3 for me and number 2 for hubby! And first child together! 4yr of trying been 8 yrs since i had a baby. Baby dust to all!

I just had my period 8th-11th CD6 anyone along with me? I need some support. My husband and I have been TTC for 8months and I'm wanting to give up. It's becoming very frustrating I have 2 children 6 and 4 soon to be 7 and 5. My husband and I have no children together. I have PCOS, HPV, and a Bicornit uterus. I know that many won't have the same conditions I do but id like a cycle buddies to share this struggle with and be eachotbers back bone bc lets face it our husbands stink at it. My cycle average at 35-41 they are by far regular. Msg me if you like.