Am I selfish????

QUEEN 👑 • Wifey💍 Mother 👪 SouthernGal👢

Am I selfish for wanting to feel better about my self? For wanting to lose weight and gain back my confidence?

I have given up breast feeding after 4 sort of harsh weeks. Baby didn't start of so well with her latch and it hurt like hell but I was determined. I ended up having to supplement because I just could not let my baby girl suffer from hunger. She has done well with weight gain though.

I'm a mom of three... A 4 year old, almost 17month old, and in a few days a 1-month old.

I was depressed my entire pregnancy but I really tried to stay positive. But now when I look in the mirror I am sickened. The clothes I have look horrible and I feel so ashamed of

my body. My husband tells me that I'm beautiful but I just have no confidence.

I am now starting the ACV (apple cider vinegar) stuff that everyone is talking about.

**As you know it is not safe to consume unpasteurized products while pregnant/breast feeding.

So now there is a small amount of guilt. Like I am depriving her of the absolute best simply because I want to look and feel well about myself 😢😢😢