Everything is getting to much for me

I am beyond depressed. And before anyone says ‘just move out’ or ‘don’t be disrespectful’ please put yourself in my situation.

My mother kicked me out, so I began to live with my boyfriend and his parents. I have been year for a little over year and I am now pregnant ( it was an unplanned pregnancy)

The parents were both really unsupportive about it and told me they will always resent me for keeping the baby ( as it was not what there son wanted initially) fast forward three months and they want to be super involved. Naming it, telling me what I can/can’t do with it, already planning to visit us in hospital which I don’t want. I want to bond with my baby alone with my partner whilst in hospital.

I cannot stand living here and if i had another option I would take it. I am not aloud to wander around upstairs, his father hates noise and will shout up at me, yet when we are trying to sleep he has the tv so loud downstairs we can hear it word for word and he refuses to turn it down. He bursts into our room with no warning, not even a knock. Their dog is horrible he won’t stop barking for biscuits, even at 6am.

His mother has an opinion about everything, I’ve told her baby names I like and she says ‘no I don’t like it, he’s not being called that’ she has a go at me for the way I am ( extremely anxious) and tells me to get over it. She gets involved in our relationship far to much, if we are arguing she will stick her nose in and say what she thinks.

And my partner throughout sticks up for the pair of them, says he knows what they are like and won’t talk about it anymore, he would live here forever if he could.

I know they don’t have to let me live here and I am grateful for being given a roof over my head, me and his mum used to be good friends before I became pregnant believe it or not but I am miserable all day every day. I don’t know what to do and pretty much just came here to rant😫