Lovey’s? Attachment to a stuffed animal

Hey! My daughter is 11.5mo and for Christmas received a stuffed animal. She hasn’t formed any bond with anything yet so it was really sweet to see her kissing and loving on the dog. Well I have heard horror stories about kids losing their lovey and not being able to sleep or function during certain things.

My in laws were the ones that got her the dog. I decided to go online today and buy another one and interchange them just in case something happened to one. Guess what!? It was $99 on eBay. That’s right, they spent about a hundred dollars on this stuffed animal because it was the exact one my husband had when he was 6mo old.

Am I just being crazy for not wanting her to get attached any more so we don’t have to buy another $100 dog?

Let her keep loving on it and not worry or attempt to give her another animal?