Light bright red blood spotting and now it’s gone.

I got prescribed new birth control. Was on it for a 27 days till I got stomach issues as usually and headaches I never received before. So I called my doctor and she told me not take it anymore and that she’ll give me other options to try. Well my appointment isnt till Thursday. I got my withdrawal for that month on the 31st of last year through the first week of January. I was in California during that time of my period with my boyfriend so ya know we had sex three times the first three days I got there.. and then I realized I’m just not ready for sex and relationships bc of my anxiety being so bad while on bc or in general so when I left we broke up after 15 months of being together.. anyways... well we used condoms those three times and I’m freaking out that the condom could of had some micro tears or something but every time I checked it didn’t seem to have any big rips but the thought of it freaks me out. Now it’s been two weeks and I went to the restroom today and I wiped myself.. I had some small bright red spot marks and now it’s gone. my mind is going crazy now and I’m having massive anxiety attacks.