Breastfeeding hell!

Megan • Trying for our third! First baby a miscarriage, chemical then rainbow. Second baby 9 months of trying 4 with clomid. Hoping for a quick easy pregnancy for #3
I have had the worst time breastfeeding! We couldn't get my LO to latch in the hospital in the first couple tries so they have me a nipple shield which I wish we would have tried more instead of rushing into it...or looking for another cause of not latching! But then he lost almost a Lb because my milk took a long time to come in a little over a week! So we supplemented with formula and as much milk as I could pump till he got back up to birth weight. We weaned from the shields between 2 and 3 weeks but I have had trouble latching and it has only got worse he is now 7 weeks and screams and cries when breast feeding! I finally went back to the lactation consultant and told them something is wrong! They discovered a small tongue tie and now I have to go to the war nose and throat specialist to have it snipped! His weight is low so they want me pumping 4 times a day and supplementing with 2oz of breast milk 4 times after feeding! As if I have all the extra time to breastfeed pump then bottle feed! Ugh! I am praying that things get better after our appt on Friday! I really don't want to exclusively pump! Why cousins they have discovered this in the hospital instead of going straight to shields and saving us 7 weeks of torture!!