Emotional abusive signs?

My so works at 3am -10am every day and he’s fourth year of uni in sciences i have no work but just school and today i was complaining about how i have a hard days on mondayscuz of all the shit i have to do like drop my mom off at work pick my bro then prepare food then rush to school then he wa spike “wooowww you have it so hard! You don’t even have to wake up at 3 right so hard-_-“ idk why but i felt kind of attacked it’s his second time being this way...my period will come in two days am i overractijg cuz of pms or was he actually rude and i have the right to be upset? How would y’all feel and what would y’all do? (Hes 21 I’m 20 and we’ve been together for 9 months but known each other for w2 years)