Believe in yourself

Rebecca • Engaged to the ❤️ of my life... Had our sweet baby girl April 20, 2015 😊
As a new mother I now know the meaning of worrying! But as I sit back and watch this precious little girl sleep I realize that too many people (including myself) spend their time wondering worrying if something is wrong with them. Then they usually result into looking it up on google and of course you'll find so many things that could possibly result in why your child or whatever it may be is the way they are. I just want to say that everything you look up isn't the answer. You need to take this time and enjoy the moments you have with your child because before you know it it'll be gone they grow up to fast!! I'm writing this because of my sister who I love dearly but is going threw some issues with her little girl. Hope this helps someone realize that the Internet isn't always the answer.