Really worried


I am really worried, seven years ago I had an ectopic which resulted in me having to loose my right Fallopian tube and ovary. Now I am ttc and I am 5dpo (according to Glow) and yesterday and today I have been having some horrible cramps and back ache and yesterday when I wiped it was slightly pink, only when I wiped though and not all the time. A couple of times it was brown, today it is quite brown with a couple of brown clots and quite a bit too ( not heavy but more than one or two spots). The cramps are still there. I am worried, AF is not supposed to visit until 22nd, could this be another ectopic? I didn’t have these symptoms last time so I am not sure. I am too scared to go to the doctors, if I loose the other tube etc then it is game over for me. I am in the middle of a 13 hour shift at work and I have another one tomorrow and I am just so scared and worried. Any thoughts anyone?