I’m going INSANE, help!!

Daniella • Rainbow born Oct ‘18💕🌈 • 32• married •Widow• IVF

I’m 27, just had a natural mc at 5+6, 4 weeks ago this Thursday, bled and passed tissue for about 5 days, and my husband and I started trying again a few days after I stopped bleeding.

Not even a week after my supposed fertile week passed, started getting tons of pregnancy symptoms again, after them being completely gone basically the day or two before my mc started. Took a hpt a week or so after my mc and it was negative.

Af is supposed to be due this Thursday and my pregnancy symptoms just seem to be getting worse, my boobs are huge again, sensitive and feel really full, among other changes in them that are even greater than when I was pregnant initially. Have had a ton of increasing fatigue, vivid dreams again for the past week or so (which I never had before til I was pregnant), egg aversion is back, and I have that full feeling in my lower belly. I’m über emotional, my skin is the clearest it’s been since I was pregnant, and did I mention fatigue? Lol

I told my sister I basically don’t feel “empty” anymore, like I did immediately after my mc.

Here’s the thing, I took a frer test yesterday (4 days before af is supposed to come) and it was stark white, very negative. I know I’m trying to test early but I feel so pregnant I feel like I should at least see a vvfl so I’m so confused and I have no idea what’s going on. My cycles were very regular (27-28 days) and pms symptoms prior to being pregnant were basically being a little more emo and craving sweets and junk food a few days before af. Never anything like what I’m experiencing now.

I should also mention we also got pregnant our first time trying, which we did not expect at all and were so happy about. The heartbreak was and still is unbearable, as im sure you all know. Things are getting better every day, but there’s always these little reminders, and feeling all these pregnancy symptoms and confusion do not help!

Any insights, experiences, etc on the matter are more than welcome!

Also, sorry for the long rant, and thanks for reading this far if you did ❤️