YOU HAVE TO READ: EARLIEST Pregnancy I even pregnant ?

lovetheglam • Poshmark Reseller 🙋🏽‍♀️

OMG I forgot to mention the VIVID

DREAMS!!!!! I’ve been having vivid dreams and I’ve had vivid dreams super early in all my pregnancy.

I’ve been pregnant twice. One successful pregnancy and the second Pregnancy ended up a miscarriage.

With both pregnancies I have experience very similar early symptoms. When I say early I mean earliest. I am convinced I even feel when the eggs meet but that is because I am very intone with my body.

With that being said, The earliest symptoms I feel is when the eggs meet. How do I know and how does it feel? Well, with my first pregnancy

I was going to lay down and as I lay down I felt is I would say not too painful sharp feeling on my lower belly. It was noticeable enough for me to say what the hell was that!? I don’t know exactly how to explain that feeling but I would say a slight pinch, it lasted about 10 to 15 seconds. Immediately after I felt that I started realizing; and this would be my second earliest symptom, I started realizing that I was very very tired. I am by nature a very lazy person so of course I brushed it off and I just told myself you are lazier( not sure if that’s a real word) than ever now days.

I tell you when I would take naps it would be long naps! This was all with my first pregnancy, I also used to work from home so as soon as I had that one hour break the first thing I used to do was go to bed. Third symptom that I know it is and I don’t know if we would exactly call these symptoms which is the earliest signs or hints that I was pregnant was that my body was very warm and I kind of thought to myself “hmmm I have a fever but I don’t feel sick”

(I started feeling really sick after I found out I was pregnant) and the most confusing sign that I felt that was just very consistent was AF like cramps, I remember telling myself my period is not due for two weeks and my going to get it sooner ? I even went to the bathroom one time to check if I was bleeding down there because the pain so much like AF cramps.

Occasionally also felt this really heavy feeling kind of like depression and just kind of weird I felt like major changes were coming to my life but I just didn’t know exactly what it was or why I was feel that way. After feeling like this for about two weeks, I decided to take an ovulation test just to see if the pain was because I was ovulating, and was very positive. At that moment my heart stopped and

Something told me to actually take a pregnancy test because I have read that some ovulation test detect

Pregnancies earlier then actual pregnancy test. When I took a pregnancy test that I around my house it was very very faint, but at that moment I knew. I went to the dollar store the next morning and bought five pregnancy tests

All five were very faint lines. When I went to the doctor I found out I was about 3 1/2 weeks pregnant. Talk about early.

Now, with my second pregnancy I experience everything I experience in the first one. The only huge difference about the second pregnancy was that I was having excruciating back pain. Even with all the symptoms that I felt in the first one being so similar I still had no idea that I was pregnant because it was not planned, I was too stressed and busy with work to even think that I was pregnant.

But that back pain was too painful( i worked sitting down all day so that also made it worst)

Another thing I noticed with both pregnancies two weeks prior to me finding out that I was pregnant was that I was very when I say very I mean extremely thirsty!!!

I lost my second pregnancy baby October 21, 2017, was my first ever miscarriage.

Today I decided to write this because I have this gut feeling that I am pregnant and I wanted to documented choose to see how well I know my body and just to see if anyone else out there can relate to this symptoms have you realized early before you even took a pregnancy test that you’re pregnant do you notice these early symptoms?

Most importantly I am posting this for the woman out there trying to conceive I know that two week wait is so overwhelming, and I’ve always searched and searched earliest pregnancy symptoms and I never really find anything relevant.

My period is due on Saturday and I just wanted to have this also for myself so that I can look back and say wow I really know my body. At this point I can go ahead and take a pregnancy test but I just don’t want to. Why do I feel like I am pregnant?

What am I experiencing that’s

different then my last two pregnancies? Well this time around I swear I felt the eggs meeting again I felt implantation, I felt that same exact pinching pain. I am usually always up at Night, like I have really bad insomnia. But it’s really funny because every day around 10pm, I become so tired and I fall sleep and wake up around 12am and then stay up all night.

The most noticeable things that I am noticing this time around is that I’m extremely hungry. The difference that I’m feeling this time around from the last two times is that I am so energetic I have so much energy, I am walking on cloud nine every day I’m so happy for no reason. I believe that has to do a lot with my emotions just because I feel like I’m pregnant and my last pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage was very sad for me so this time around I just want to be super happy and super excited about it.

With that being said my loves I will keep you beautiful ladies updated if my period does not arrive by Saturday then I don’t know, I would just be the happiest woman in the world 😍🤷🏽‍♀️.