Sick Baby


Help!! My LO is working on day 3 of fever! Monday I talked to a nurse over the phone and they suggested rotating Motrin and Tylenol and that she may have the flu but since she’s 17 mos that they don’t wanna give her tamiflu so just let it run its course. Today I took her in and they said she has an ear infection, but still didn’t test her for the flu. I’ve still been doing the Tylenol and Motrin. I’ve tried rubbing alcohol on the bottom of her feet to see if that will break her fever, but nothing. I asked the doctor when I should bring her back in and was told that if her fever gets to 104-105 I need to bring her in. They basically told me she’ll have fever for 2-3 days and just keep the Motrin and Tylenol going. I’m just worried because she’s not really eating or drinking and I just hate seeing her so lethargic and I feel like this fever is just too much.