Finally a positive!

Renèe💍married💛ttc #1 • 39, married, TTC #1, T1 diabetic

Hello all, I just wanted to share my story. First of all, I'm 37, diabetic and have never been pregnant. Married my husband in 2015 and have been ttc for 5 months. (At 6 months I was told to go see a Dr if we haven't conceived by then.) I had been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> with opk's and normally get 2 days positive then it fades. This month I have gotten 10 positive in a row, which is very odd. I took a hpt last week and it was negative. Then 3 days ago I started cramping, like af was coming early. This morning at (9 or 10 dpo) I was still cramping but no af so I decided to test, and it was positive!!! It's faint, but it's there! My very first positive ever!! I can honestly tell you, the only thing I did differently was pray. I had been praying for months to conceive a baby ,but this month I prayed differently, I took the time to really feel and mean what I was asking for, I didn't ask for help, I simply asked for a baby. And my prayer came true. I know it's still early, but I am positive that the Lord did this in the right timing. Thank you for taking time to read my story. I hope you get your bfp soon if you are trying.