Dr appt yesterday and good news!


On Monday I had an ultrasound to check baby’s size (I have GD). I’m 34 weeks and she is estimated at 4 lbs 11 oz which is 23rd percentile so next issues there at all! At my appt yesterday my doc did an exam because I dilated very early with my first and she wanted a baseline reading for future checks. I’m 2.5cm dilated, 50% effaced and -3 station. That is good news since I was 4cm already at this point with my first. :) My first waited until 2 days before her due date before making her arrival anyway so I’m not real concerned with going into labor too early, but I was so uncomfortable with her for so long because it felt like she was just going to fall out! I’m not there with this one yet. :) Hope everyone else is doing well and getting good news too!