Is something wrong?


Okay so I’ve desperately been trying to figure out what’s wrong. Last month I ovulated around the 12th or somewhere around there has tons of clear egg white cm. I had my period twice last month at the beginning and then 3 days at the end of last month. And this month its like I haven’t ovulated at all and my period is due in a week this entire whole month I’ve had nothing but creamy cm glow said I was to ovulate the 12th of this month but there’s been no indication that I’ve ovulate I have had absolutely no egg whites just creamy milky lotion like cm all this month since the 6th. I’ve been ttc and wasn’t sure if this was a sign that I’m pregnant? It’s too early to test I was waiting to see if I miss my period before testing. Can anyone tell me what’s going on? I’m confused as I have always had egg white cm each month that I have ovulated but haven’t even ovulated it seems like this month and my period is due in a week. Hoping it’s a sign of pregnancy but don’t want my hopes up.