Is my child being slow?

Hello Mommies/Parents !

I have a 11-month old son who is a prettty big boy and I'm STRUGGLING to get him to do the smallest things that he should probably already be doing. I feel as though I'm a failure because my son has not been able to start "walking" or feeding himself. I put this little guy in his high chair and put food on his little plate and he'll just stare at it. Doesn't matter what food it is. He just plays with it. Doesn't try to put it in his mouth. All he wants is his breast milk. (No bottles)

Another thing, I'm so afraid of introducing him to 'solid' foods like harder textures in foods. I want him to be able to start eating. But he chokes on his food or doesn't want it because again he just wants the milk smh. Will he eventually Want food? I see all these babies and they can already stand/walk/eat about anything. I'm finally going to start working again and I'm afraid thathe won't eat or take the bottle because all he wants is the breasr milk. So one of these things needs to start happening
