Tyra • Fluent in profanity & sarcasm | Aggressively positive♥️

——- so you saw that trigger warning right?? Well in case you missed it here is another one. The following paragraphs talk about children, nuclear bombs and torture. Please don’t read if you’re going to be upset ——-

The hypothetical situation:

You’re an FBI agent when you get a call that a suspected terrorist named Younger has sent video evidence to his local police department of three nuclear bombs. He’s made the bombs himself but from the video sent they appear to be fully operational. To make things worse he’s planted all three bombs in three of the most populated cities in the country & they’re set to simultaneously go off in only a matter of days.

Luckily, the FBI are able to locate him and bring him in for questioning. It is later revealed that he has mentally prepared for what was to come so the intensive questioning & fear mongering does not work as it does with most people.

Realizing that they won’t be able to make him crack, some of your coworkers bring in a special operative named Harold, he’s the FBI’s “secret weapon” and he specializes in torture techniques to extract information.

——- in case your were stubborn and have read thus far, 🚫 TRIGGER WANRING 🚫———-

Over a period of days Harold subjects Younger to mutilation, waterboarding, electrocution, and many other torture techniques that are illegal. The whole time Harold is doing this you feel immensely uncomfortable & speak out against it but your coworkers try to silence you by reminding you that millions of Americans lives are at stake. Children, parents, the disabled, the young, and the sick will all die alike if those bombs go off. Feeling guilty but more or less helpless, you do nothing.

After days of being tortured, Younger STILL has not cracked. The stakes are getting higher because as of now you have less than a day before those bombs detonate. Using his last and final attempt to extract information from Younger, Harold decides to bring in Younger’s two kids and his wife.

Upon seeing his family, Younger begins to panic & he gives up the location of one of the bombs. However, there’s still two more bombs you need the location of and after showing that he’s unwilling to speak more, Harold decides to convince him. To your shock, Harold murders Younger’s wife in front of him and then calls for his kids to be brought into the torture chamber.


At this point, you’re outraged but you’re also facing the biggest moral dilemma of your life. You have three options:

(a) Say nothing. Let Harold do as he sees fit with the children, after all you’re not the one in that torture chamber actually doing the acts. You can’t be responsible for the actions of an adult that is being cosigned by authority figures. Your hands are clean right?

(b) Encourage Harold. Yes we can all agree that torture is wrong but what is the life of two compared to the life of millions? You owe it to your family and your country to get this information by any means necessary.

(c) Stop Harold. You’ll find another way to locate the bombs hopefully, there’s always got to be a better option. Besides, even if Harold does torture the kids, what good will it do if Younger STILL does not crack? All of that and two innocent lives would have been lost for nothing.


Please keep in mind that this is a HYPOTHETICAL situation. This whole post is based off of a movie called Unforgettable (sorry for the spoilers if you haven’t seen it). If you’ve seen this movie then please disregard how the movie ended and vote based only on the question.



Please do not turn this into a hate post and start blindly screaming into the abyss of the Internet about how anyone that could vote for and or argue _____ is “morally inferior,” “going to hell,” or any other noncreative insult you can think of. This is a HYPOTHETICAL situation, relax.


Further questions:

1. Can the value of life be quantified? Are certain lives worth more than others? Is a certain number of lives worth more than one individual life?

2. Rather you think torture is right or wrong, do you feel that it is or can be necessary in high stake situations (such as the one described).

3. If you see an act being committed that is legally and for most people morally wrong, can you still be held morally responsible for choosing not to interfere? Does being a moral person mean enforcing your morals even in situations that don’t involve you personally?

4. Are any of your morals universal (applying in any and every situation no matter the circumstances) or are they all situational (able to be changed, swayed or overridden depending on the circumstances)?

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Posted at
You be killing me with these polls you make!!They are too good and honestly I’m mad AF at Harold and he don’t even exist!!


Tyra • Jan 18, 2018
Oh my bad it is unthinkable


🕉 • Jan 17, 2018


Arianna • Jan 17, 2018
I just tried finding the movie on google, I think it might be called “Unthinkable” not “Unforgettable” but I might be wrong. That was the only one I could find with the same premise.


Posted at
I chose do nothing. I cannot stop Harold if everyone else is against me. The only thing I can do, is encourage Younger to think about the trauma his kids will undergo because he won't reveal the location of the bombs.


Rebecca • Jan 21, 2018
i agree.. i mean. i wont encourage it but its what 3 people vs how many?


de • Jan 18, 2018
Yeah, it really is.


Chanel • Jan 18, 2018
I agree with you, it's kinda like the trolley problem but extreme.


Posted at
😂😂😂😂😂 screaming into the abyss of the internet 😂😂😂😂But to answer the question probably A but feel horrible for the rest of my life. If I try to stop Harold and hundreds of people die because we couldn’t find the bombs, then I’d feel guilty. But watching all that happen I’d still feel guilty so I change my vote to D-Never be an agent in the first place lol


Posted at
C. The children are innocent in all this unless proven otherwise (I am aware that children have been used before however I believe this is due to being told to and being told it is right). Torture is not something that should happen IMO. Sorry, but I can’t help but ask, is the trigger warning stuff legitimate or sarcasm?


Charley Knows • Jan 17, 2018


Charley Knows • Jan 17, 2018
Oh I wasn’t clear, no worries! Just a misunderstanding lll 😌😌


Tyra • Jan 17, 2018
Oh wait I read that wrong lmao. No need to apologize cause I thought you were saying there’s been a lot of posts with trigger warnings so my bad 😳 lol ♥️


Posted at
I work in this field 😂😂😂 I only finished training to August and for now I suck compared to my colleagues and I’m a doctor more but I watch interrogations and I’m there for the medical side of it. Here’s the thing. For my colleagues in that side of things, the second Harold came in to torture, we’d either try and put a stop to it. Failing that, we go up the chain of command and we ‘whistle blow’ on Harold so he gets his ass hauled in and investigated. The family being bought in to help persuade would have been the first method they used. In this scenario I would go with C. If we’re still unable to locate then the city would probably go on lockdown.


N • Jan 19, 2018
For the rest of the world the threat seems to be increasing.


N • Jan 19, 2018
Lol well it’s a two year break cos I’m moving to Motherwell in...about 6 hours 😫 so we’ll see how much has changed after I go back. In all honesty, i’m wasn’t that worried about terrorism in England. I went into the field because I speak a couple of vey rare languages and there were openings for doctors who are practicing Muslim for obvious reasons. Now that Trump seems to be doing a phenomenal job of picking fights, I’d say they’re not that focused on us right now.


Watson எம்மா 🐳🐾 • Jan 19, 2018
Ah you’ll be ok, you always think that after going back to work, you’ll soon get into the swing of it. Do you think your job has made you more worried about terrorism in general?


Posted at
I know this is a hypothetical but I have to point out some very basic technology would be able to determine the location of those bombs.I would not have allowed Harold to carry out any torture, as soon as you do that you’ve lost everything, your identity, your moral high ground, you’ve made it a grey area instead of black and white. You’re both now the bad guys


Je • Jan 18, 2018
I agree


Posted at
C. Stop Harold- Leave the children out of it. They're innocent and don't deserve to die just because their father is a scum bag. The fact that Harold could kill the children and Younger STILL not talk- just isn't worth it. Then you have even more dead bodies, what good would that do?


Pink • Jan 17, 2018
I would also probably advise those people from the cities to evacuate to the nearest bomb shelter so I wouldn't risk sending people to another nearby city just to be blown up.


Pink • Jan 17, 2018
I would probably start with the 3 most populated cities nearest their location. It would be a lot to do but even if they got one of the cities right & evacuated it, it could still save thousands of people


Tyra • Jan 17, 2018
And * work*


Posted at
I’m saying nothing. Yeah it sucks and the kids shouldn’t be tortured. But the terrorist was prepared for that, who is to say he didn’t prepare his family for it. 4 lives for the thousands that decision could be saving. Sorry not worth the risk for me. My morals are based off whats better for the greater good. If that means a few people affiliated with terrorism die so be it. The terrorist in the example that you gave knew the risk and knew the extent they would be willing to go to get the information out of him. it’s nobody else’s fault but his own putting his family at risk


✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Jan 19, 2018
Exactly 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d still be able to sleep at night knowing my decision “hypothetically” saved 1000s if other children’s lives.


LN • Jan 19, 2018
Oh you’re right, just assuming the wife and children are culpable will just makes it easier to justify killing them too! 🙄 know, Hypothetically.


✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Jan 18, 2018
I mean this whole situation is a hypothetical situation, and highly u likely as well now? So if I’m faced with this hypothetical situation I’m going to go with the worst of the worst. There’s thousands of lives at risk. I’m not gonna risk that for 4 people🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
Honestly? If my own family are at risk then they are my priority and I’d do whatever it took to save them. That’s not to say I wouldn’t feel guilt for it, but I’d do whatever to save my family and the majority


Posted at
Stop him. I can't sit back and condone torturing and murdering innocent people. Torturing the actual criminal was bad enough and already against my moral judgment, bringing in his family, oh hell no.