*sigh* my husband doesn't get it...

I had an awful day. The back story: I'm a lymphoma patient in remission and my tubes were tied. Lo and behold we got pregnant! Yay! My first two boys are from a previous marriage, he up and ditched us the day after I was diagnosed. Some people can't handle it. This is my new husbands first, but he's a GREAT dad to my boys.
Today I learned I've abnormal possible precancerous cells. Yay. -_- and because my boys were big (8 and 9 pounds) I get treated as a GD pregnancy. Why? I never had GD before. My first son was normal. My second son I was almost 3 weeks overdue because they refused to let me have him insisting I wasn't ready even though they said I was due a month earlier. Needless to say, we sued and won that one.
All I can think about is going back into chemo in December. :( and not being allowed to eat lucky charms. At least I got a picture!