Would it bother you? **Update**

Jessica • DD 18,DS 14. Currently doing IVF; FET January 2020.❤️🙏 Baby boy due fall 2020

Would it bother or upset you if your next door neighbor parked in front of your house everyday?

***UPDATE ***

So, I moved my car out of my garage and parked it in front of my house so the neighbors can no longer park there. I also was able to stop the wife and talk with her about it. She said that they have a gutter drain ditch in their front yard and they don’t like parking near it. I explained to her I felt it was intrusive and disrespectful to park in front of my house when they have many other parking options. She apologized and said they don’t didn’t consider that their parking in front of our house wasn’t okay with us. She said this house was empty 1.5 years and they just got in the habit of parking over here. She said it would definitely bother her and her husband if myself or their other neighbor parked in front of their house. So she was very understanding.... thank you to everyone who responded including those of you who were rude and hateful. The main reason I originally posted this was to see others opinions and thoughts. I already knew how I felt about it, but definitely wanted to get others views before I decided my course of action. To many people only worry about themselves and their own views, I try to see things through other people’s eyes.