Becoming a young mom..

Jaymian • 21 years old, Girl mom. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Becoming a young mom is hard. Your life gets put on hold. You don’t get to go to college and have the full experience, you don’t get to live in a dorm, you don’t get to party like your friends do. You miss out on a lot in life but you also get to watch the little person that you carried for 9 months, grow up. While your friends are going out, you’ll be at home rocking your little one to sleep. You become a role model for your child, you do everything you can to make sure they have what they need.

I became a mom at 18, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. When I first found out I was pregnant I was terrified, I had just lost my grandpa who was my father figure, and I was still in school. The first few months of him being gone was the hardest for me, but he’s watching over me and my daughter. My daughter is 2 weeks old, and she reminds me so much of him. I spend all my time with her, I make sure that she’s always fed, clean, and happy. She’s my everything and I’ll say that even though I am young, I will be the best mother that I can for my daughter. 💕