Tired of pumping but I can’t stop 😢

Mom of Boys • Mom of boys ages 9 and 4. Third baby boy born Jan 2nd 2018 💕

First off I give you ladies who pump exclusively so much credit! I did not know how much work this is until I started doing it. Its A LOT of work!! Well... I recently decided to switch to pumping and formula feeding. I pump for 30 min and try to pump every 2 hours. I feel like I am attached to my pump and my nipples are so sensitive now. My boobs hurt if I go over my time to pump and it’s awful. I want to stop but every time I decide to stop I feel bad. I feel like I am taking the most important thing away from my son and like if I don’t give him breast milk he’s missing out. Why I feel like this idk. I really want to stop, but I just can’t... feeling this way is making me depressed. It’s all I think about literally all day. Every time I feed him it’s what I think about and every single time it’s time to pump also.
