Broke up and moved out. Im just sad...

BeautyMommy • I love my family

Avoiding a huge, messy story I broke up with my boyfriend today (I'm pregnant to him) and moved back in with my EX (we have a daughter and were together for 4 years). I really love my boyfriend and I miss him. I want to work things out and I think we could but its just not an ideal situation to have a baby in. I'm much better off with my EX, who I know I'm no longer in love with. He's better off financially and has the means to support a family and we have our own home. The other guy is on disability and lives with his mom (he's 31!).

My brain knows my EX is a better option but my heart says I love my boyfriend. I can ignore my heart which is what I've been doing and probably be unhappy in a loveless relationship for as long as I stay. But at least me and baby are taken care of. Or I can follow my heart, ignore all materialistic needs, and struggle. But at least I'd have love.

Lol I'm so conflicted. This decision really shouldn't be this hard. Its an obvious no comparison choice. I'm just sad and lonely. I can't help but miss him. This sucks.

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Posted at
I think you are doing what you believe is best for your children, but I don't think it is fair to your ex who loves you, the boyfriend you left, or to yourself...


MissThompson • May 28, 2015
yeah what she said^^


Posted at
Why does either one have to be the right choice? It sounds like maybe you need to focus on you a bit...they will both still be in your life because of the child and the current pregnancy, but who is to say you won't find someone down the line you're supposed to be with?


BeautyMommy • May 29, 2015
Im not financially capable of living on my own right now. Trust me, if moving back in with parents or alone were an option I'd jump on it.


Tiara • May 28, 2015
agree movin back with ur ex shouldn't even be an option he is ur ex fir a reason.... I do believe in second chances but u Dnt love him so that's not the case, soon ur feelings will show and u Dnt want to confuse ur child ... focus on u and ur children that's the best thing for u to do at this time.... be happy and enjoy ur pregnancy peacefully. you should be ur own financial system not any man unless ur married


Posted at
You shouldn't be with either of them.  You're leading your EX on, and your boyfriend doesn't seem like the best thing for you or your kids long term.  


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Do why your heart says not your brain. Love is the most precious gift.


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If your ex is ok with you living with him while you work to the point where you can live on your own, great. But I'd just be wary of jumping back into a relationship with him. Just be careful that you don't get stuck in your old routine, because there's a reason you got out of it in the first place. Good luck!


Posted at
This makes me sad, you should be with who you love. Finically the situation could change and your BF and you can move out,  you can get a job and help pay for things 


Posted at
Wow that's almost like what I'm going threw I been sad this whole time I'm 13 weeks an 4 days today