Got some answers, then TTC


So I posted yesterday but can't seem to find my post 😩 I met with my new OB/GYN yesterday to figure out why I've not had a menstrual cycle for 100+ days and he said that it was due to the stress of dealing with both excruciating back pain and a rambunctious 2 year old. Otherwise, I'm perfectly healthy. I had a long conversation with my husband last night and we're both ready whenever to start trying for baby #2 since it's been almost 2 years since I had a miscarriage in 2016 😭😭😭. I tried to compromise since I need my back pain to be controlled. I told him that depending on when insurance approves the MRI to determine how bad my back reall

y is and I am able to see a pain management specialist to determine a course of treatment for my back, I'm willing to give it a month before I have the implant taken out. Do you think

that's a reasonable compromise? Any comments or suggestions are welcome!