I want another baby, but my hubby doesn’t?

My hubby and I have been together for 12 years this year.. we have 2 kids son that’s 8 and daughter that is almost 2. Last night we were talking about some things we want to do in the next few years.. and I personally want to have another baby. I know that I was meant to be a mom and i want to have a 3rd baby. Not right away.. but by the time i am 30. I am turning 28 this year in March. And I just feel in my heart that we are meant to have another baby. But my husband is not wanting to have another. Anyone else have this issue? Pros and cons of having a 3rd child? Do you compromise and say okay.. the 2 we have is fine. I love my babies more then anything. And I love my husband so much.

I just don’t know what to do? To say? It really breaks my heart.

And to him he kinda makes it seem like well I’ll have another baby with you if we can do things I want to do.. and he’s meaning sexually. And some of the things I’m like okay with and then there are some things that I am most definitely not okay with.

Help! Advice?