She’s finally here!!


So after a complicated pregnancy, Evianna Marie has finally made her arrival at 39+1 via induction!

Short birth story:

Arrived for scheduled induction at 5am, doctor broke my water at 8am. Since I was already dilated to a 3-4cm and softening, he told me if I wanted an epidural I should get one soon in case labor started quickly. About 15 minutes later, epidural was placed and then we waited an hour or so for any contractions to start. They did, but were small and not causing change, so we added pitocin to the mix and BAM, contractions started much faster and harder! It took a little while to get from 4cm to 6cm, but once I got that far, the last few centimeters were probably only about an hour til fully dilated and ready to push. I don’t know what time I started pushing, but it only took pushing through 5 contractions to get her out.


3pm on the dot!

7lbs 9oz

21 inches long

Before the contractions started coming:

When they started getting bad:


Yay! Baby’s out! That thing on her head is from an internal monitor.

Welcome Earthside little one!

Proud Grandma/birth coach:

Daddy and his little girl:

Feeling good!: