Is being mentally unstable an excuse for being hesitant about finding a job?


I feel like it isn’t, but I’m so deep into my depression to even think about it. I haven’t had a job since I graduated high school three years ago. At first I didn’t know why I was so hesitant to find another job. I was thinking that my experience at that job had something to do with it but as time went on my depression and my problems got worse. I’m 21 now, not even going to college. I have no social life and I barely go out as I don’t have any friends other than ones over the internet.

This situation I’m in is making me feel like I’m a complete waste of space. I don’t know what to do. I know I need a job eventually but I just can’t do it. I’m afraid that I’ll mess up because I always do. I’m afraid that I still wouldn’t know what to do at this job even if I’ve worked there for a long time. It happened with the last one. ive worked there for months and I still didn’t know what I was doing.

I’m horrible at socializing and I’m just bad with people in general, so I don’t know what job would be right for me... it’s so frustrating and it eats me alive when it pops into my mind. I feel so helpless.